About me

I just wanted to introduce myself and the reason of this blog, so I wrote these few lines.

My name is Stratos, I am from Athens Greece and I am 35 years old (as of March 2014)!
I have an Electronics Engineer BSc, a Data Communications Systems MSc, and currently finishing my Master in Business Administration. Currently I am working as an IT Manager in a Greek Maritime Company. Further to the above I am a Master in Experts Exchange Community.

Recently I decided to refresh my Bachelor's knowledge in Electronics, so I found the boxes with all my University's books in the basement, made some space in my library to host them again and started studying them from scratch.

The reason for that was Raspberry Pi and what I was reading I could do using Python.

Bought some Python Books, bought a RPi v2, some accessories, some electronics components, completed some online Python courses, joined some related Online Communities, read hundreds of blog posts and then started creating my projects. Some of them simple enough even for beginners, others more sophisticated.

I wanted to have my projects well documented though, so that I can find answers when a problem arises in the future. (What a manager I would have been without proper documentation eh? :-) ) Thus, I decided to start this blog, where I will try to post my projects with as many details as I can in order to have it as a my notebook but also share all the knowledge I gather while trying to overcome problems I faced during my projects implementations.

Your comments, suggestions and of course corrections are always welcome.

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